This allows them to begin a quest to volunteer to help lay to rest 10 old residents now turned zombie. Once the new player reaches the trader, they are given a +Declaration of Citizenship. The modlet collection provides multi-tier quest lines. This modlet pack is only XML XPath modlets and only needs to be installed on the server!
In most cases, the named items only provide a small improvement over the items they were created from. The rewards this Modlet pack provides were carefully considered against Vanilla gameplay. This gives new players a chance to obtain better equipment through a method other than randomness or traditional progression. Each item has a small back-story and explanation in an attempt to blend with the vanilla game and Trader. This modlet collection extends the new player White River citizenship quest line to provide some quests to obtain improved tools, weapons, and armor.
7DTD-WhiteRiver_ToC 7 Days to Die : White River - Tools of Citizenship